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Blogs filter by EuroMini

ZiZZO Don't Get Caught in the Dark Riding Tips

ZiZZO Don't Get Caught in the Dark Riding Tips

Fall cycling on my ZiZZO is by far my favorite time of year. Whether it’s a pre-work ride in those early morning brisk temperatures or a spectacular evening spin as the sun says goodnight dipping behind the hills sometimes things can start to get a little bit dark.   I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stayed maybe a little too long and got caught out in...
by Beau Grant on October 14, 2021
What Happened to Euromini (Euro Mini)???

What Happened to Euromini (Euro Mini)???

EuroMini was a great name we started with, but we ran into trademark challenges. A business has to be flexible in order to keep growing to serve its customers. Rather than spending time and resources to push forward with the name, we decided to focus on serving our customers instead....
by Luis Cruz on July 02, 2020
ZiZZO Trainer Tips and suggestions

ZiZZO Trainer Tips and suggestions

Pro-Tips for using your new ZiZZO Indoor Trainer
by Tony Reyes on February 19, 2020
Number 1 seller in Japan

Number 1 seller in Japan

  ZiZZO Campo is number 1 seller at Rakuten in Japan.  
by Benjamin Chen on October 11, 2019