Hirofumi K.
I bought and installed this derailleur protector before trip to Japan. The bike with this parts was on the airplane 6 times, the express long distance bus 6 times, the ferry boat 6 times, transported by car for few times, stayed Japan about one month, everyday used and around 1000 miles put on the bike then the results is "NO DAMAGE " "NO SCRATCH " PROTECTED REAR DERAILLEUR 100%. Strongly recommend! Only $10 bucks.
Jeremy Z.
Pretty thin, and I feel like it should've been included with the bike to begin with.
Ken B.
I LOVE my little Zizzo bike, nicknamed Ruby... I take here everywhere I travel & 3x times last year, I took her to Europe for a total of 25 weeks of biking!! Love my Zizzo!!
Eric C.
Another excellent product from Zizzo!
Alex S.
Does the job. Love my Urbano too! Having fun tricking it out.
Jerry H.
Derailleur Protector is solid and unobtrusive. It is inexpensive insurance to guard against damage to a vulnerable and very important part of my bicycle.
Phuong L.
item works great.
David S.
Great accessory that protects the derailleur from getting banged around and mis allaigned.
Everything works great. You need to find a distributor here in Honolulu...year round bicycling!
Sarah R.
Well worth the price. I wish it were a bit longer. I thought “why would I need this, I’m not THAT clumsy”. However the first time I took my bike on the train, it immediately fell over (derailleur side down). So, I’m glad I had it.
Hua C.
I found that I don't need the derailer protector since I only use my zizzo bike to commute to work and go home.
You might need it if you travel to protect your derailer in a luggage.
Jens U M.
Why would you go without? Minimum investment to protect the sensitive part. Even if you don't ever crash with the bike or have it fall over while parked, the nature of a folding bike will mean that at some point the weight of the bike will rest on the derailleur. The guard should be considered standard equipment. The nuts on the axle were tightened so much by the factory that removing it to fit in the guard was a challenge - certainly impossible with the included tool. There is no room to spare on the axle length when you install the guard.
Ed H.
Fits well and easily installed, but it really needs to be longer. It still leaves the derailleur exposed to brushing against curbs.
Kevin H.
All good! So glad I got this.
Krystal B.
Once I managed to get the locking nut off, it was smooth sailing installing the derailleur protector. The install video was a great guide on helping me do this.
Steve O.
Easy install and it seems it could protect the derailleur some. For off-roading I felt it's worth the extra protection.
Colleen T.
Thank you for the exceptional quality in all of your products!
Tom H.
Keeping a good bike safe
Christopher A.
This derailleur protector is nice and was easy to install. I think a derailleur protector is worth having, especially for a folding bike that will be folded and laid on its side. I think it would be nice if the bike came with this part already.
Flavio C.
Easy to install.
David C.
Bought one as a gift for the wife to use when camping, I was impressed enough to buy a second. Perfect for use while traveling.
Christopher H.
The derailleur is so exposed and vulnerable if the bike goes over on the side that this simple accessory is a must have in my opinion. . It is so easy to install!
John C.
Very heavy duty, will protect the derailer with no problems.
Edwin W.
Derailleur Protector fit well and seems strong enough to protect in event of a spill, and when stowing.
If it works as expected, will rate w/"I love it"!
Jeffrey Z.
Had to buy a longer axle to use this. The part of the derailleur protector where it mounts is only about the thickness of a washer, so it's not that it's abnormally thick, but the axle provided with my Zizzo bike was already JUST BARELY long enough to allow the nuts to fully engage all their threads on both sides, hence the need for a longer axle, since I was adding to the thickness of the assembly. I will include a photo. That aside, it works fine.
If anyone looks at the photo and wonders what the little piece of wire is for, wrapped around the washer the nut is holding, that's for keeping the axle fully in the dropout, since the sides of it appear not to be parallel with each other, and this causes the axle to try to work its way OUT while being tightened down, which is germane to this review since it becomes more difficult of a procedure, since the person mounting this has to hold the wheel in place to keep the axle on the way into the dropout, WHILE holding the derailleur protector in the right orientation so it doesn't interfere with the operation of the derailleur, (as one doesn't want the derailleur actually touching the protector at any point as that could interfere with derailleur operation as well as cause a portion of any force applied to the protector to transmit directly to the derailleur,) AND simultaneously turning a wrench, possibly while also holding ANOTHER wrench if needed to keep the axle from turning... it makes what had been a one-person job into a two-person job, or a one-person with a ratchet-strap and pair of locking pliers operation. Not the fault of the derailleur protector, of course, which I'm sure is the same as every other one made in the same factory somewhere in China... but it needed to be said, and I think I've already written a review of the bike itself BEFORE buying this, so I didn't realize that was going to become a problem at the time, or I'd have included it in my review of THAT.
Hope that helped.
Brandon H.
Very easy to install. Does the job
Hal D.
It was easy to install once I had the right 15mm wrench and watched Tony's Tech Tuesday video on how to install the derailleur protector (very simple to install). I like having the derailleur protection because I know it can save a lot of time and trouble if the derailleur gets damaged when the bike is loaded into a car or if the bike falls over etc., especially if you're riding and are a distance from home or your end journey.
Charles M.
I shipped my Zizzo by air as baggage in a heavy canvas bag specially fabricated to carry bikes. Because it is relatively soft, and baggage can be tossed around recklessly by Aairport handlers, I purchased the derailleur protector. When the I opened the bag, the protector, which is made of strong steel, was bent, clearly indicating that the bike had been stepped on or dropped. But no damage was done to the derailleur itself, so clearly the protector served its purpose.
gary f.
Don R.
looks good and will protect
Charles H.
Very easy to install and very solid.
Jules H.
Now that I know my derailer is protected I feel relief. A friend asked me yesterday, what's that thing? When I told her what it is, she nodded and said, "Smart." I don't even notice it, but I have peace of mind.
Lyn K.
I recently moved into a second level apartment. This bike fits in my trunk so I don't have to leave it locked up in the weather and it's light weight & easy for me to carry on the stairs when riding season is over!
It's been years since I actually rode a bike and this is the first "gear shift" bike I've owned. While the pedals are back a tad farther than on a regular bike, it's doable. It is very easy to fold and unfold.
My brother bought a different folding bike last year to "test it out" for me and liked it so much he ended up keeping it even though he owns and rides several other bikes!
Sue J.
Purchased these as a safety when transporting. They were easy to install. Also they give us peace of mind that no damage will occur when transporting the bikes.
Mark S.
Fits perfectly to protect the derailment. Very easy to install .
Rudolph P.
Aloha, the derailleur protector was very easy to install. However, I'd like to have the torque specs to attach the protector to the rear axel included. I had to go to the park tools site to get it specs, but I don't know if this applies to the zizzo. God's blessings and protection from Covid to you. Aloha, Rudy
Dennis C.
Good insurance and a perfect fit.
Robert P.
This was an inexpensive and easy to install protector to insure a vital part of the bike is protected while in transit or accidentally falls over.
Kimberly H.
The derailleur guard was simple to install and a good thing to have for a folding bike. I still love my Zizzo Liberte and have put many miles on it. It's simply the best affordable folding road bike available and competes with bikes three times its cost.
Thomas P.
Great product for the price
Steven H.
I figured the wife and I will be throwing our new ZIZZO's around a bit( Trunk of car etc) so this was cheap insurance against damaging the derailleur. Always quality products from ZIZZO.
Raymond H.
...easy to install...covers the derailleur as designed.
Barbara V.
I know bike snobs tend to sneer at derailleur guards, but I think it really makes sense on my Liberté because, when the bike is folded, the derailleur is facing out and likely to get banged around in packing.
It would have been helpful to have some instructions, even though it's a simple installation. I eventually figured it out, so it's not a big deal.
Yevgeni B.
Tried to send a picture but wouldn’t work.
I was carful to have my bike shipped to a safe location, prior to getting it. All the pictures and advertisements boldly displayed on the box describing the contents worried me.
Douglas P.
Once I realized I had a rare Via quick release rear wheel, attaching the guard was a snap.
Steven P.
Great protection and a must have item!
cynthia w.
Good product to product gear.
Julio V.
I’m a super klutz, and right after installation, it fell, but, nothing happened!!! Whew
Kevin A.
Just thought it would be a better way to protect the bike.
Jerry J.
I got the liberte which I think should come with a better seat. Its your most expensive model with the worst seat
Luiz V.
A very good item to install on the bike for protection.
Guy N.
The derailleur protector works and installation was a breeze. The person at Zizzo explained how to do the install which was helpful. Now I don’t worry about which way I put the bicycle in the rear seat of the car or carrying it in a bag.