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ZiZZO Don't Get Caught in the Dark Riding Tips

ZiZZO Don't Get Caught in the Dark Riding Tips

Fall cycling on my ZiZZO is by far my favorite time of year. Whether it’s a pre-work ride in those early morning brisk temperatures or a spectacular evening spin as the sun says goodnight dipping behind the hills sometimes things can start to get a little bit dark.   I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stayed maybe a little too long and got caught out in...
by Beau Grant on October 14, 2021
Scary Great Value from ZiZZO

Scary Great Value from ZiZZO

On the fence about folding bikes? You shouldn’t be. Folding bikes have been around for 40 years but almost all others come with a hefty price tag. Until ZiZZO that is. We designed our Fun Machine with two things in mind: go-anywhere good times and good, if not scary great,...
by Deborah Lockhart on October 06, 2021
Why Is ZiZZO in Short Supply?

Why Is ZiZZO in Short Supply?

Briefly, Covid-19 interrupted our supply chain and unexpectedly created a higher demand   Nearly 100% of every bicycle sold in the US is completely made in China or has components coming from China. Covid-19 disrupted these factories for about three months (Feb-April), which now means, for the rest of the...
by Luis Cruz on July 09, 2020
Best Sellers on Amazon

Best Sellers on Amazon

by Benjamin Chen on July 22, 2019