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Get Out, Ride Free: How Daily Bike Rides Can Keep You Fit and Stay Healthy – and Sane

by Luis Cruz on December 29, 2020

2020 hasn’t been the best of times. Probably the understatement of the decade. So if like so many of us, you’re cooped up and locked down at home this season, stressed and busier than ever, try and remember to take a little time for yourself every day. Get out for 30-60 minutes on your ZiZZO – or any bike – and enjoy the many health benefits that a daily ride can give you.


Stress-Busting Rides for Better Sleep

Riding your bike can kick into gear chemical reactions in your body that can cut your stress level, fight anxiety, and help you cope with tough and busy times. Cycling reduces the amount of cortisol (stress hormones) in the body that can disrupt restful sleep, improves the body’s production of serotonin which aids deeper sleep, and can help you balance your circadian rhythms for better sleep night after night.

Build and Tone Lean Muscle

There are a few exercises or activities that will give you the all-over calorie burn and muscle toning workout of cycling. Even moderate daily exercising on your bike over time, will tone your muscles, add definition, and build strength for longer and longer rides. Cycling works the calves, thighs, feet, arms, shoulders, and glutes while also strengthening your core for overall stability and posture support.

Boost Brain Function and Immunity

Cycling can be good for your mind and body, it turns out. Researchers at the University of Illinois found that just a 5 percent improvement in cardiovascular health from cycling will lead to a 15 percent jump in mental ability in tests. Cyclists or even regular casual bike riders can expect a natural boost when it comes to fighting off illness too. Researchers at the University of California,

not to be outdone by the Illinois counterparts, discovered riding your bike 30 minutes five times a week can cut your number of sick days in half compared to the average couch potato.


Want more health reasons to ride? Look here: - or contact us to discuss how to get going on the right ZiZZO folding bike for you.


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