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by Beau Grant on January 06, 2023


When we flip the calendar every January first, we make some promise to ourselves that we are going to do something better than we did the previous year. Even though it’s just another day that feeling of starting out with a clean slate can be motivating. We can look back on the previous year and say to ourselves “I wish I would have done this or that” and try to correct it for the new year. Gym’s love this time of year. They are packed for maybe the first 6 weeks. Research shows that 95% of New Year's Resolutions are fitness related, but after just 3 months, only 10% of people think their resolution will last. There are some resolution's that I can’t promise to keep but I will try in 2023 when it comes to riding my ZiZZO. I bet some of you can relate.

Keep the drivetrain clean. That new bike smooth shifting and ease of pedaling feeling is the best. Depending on your riding frequency and weather conditions that feeling can last for a few weeks or a few months. If we keep up with regular maintenance on the chain, cog(cassette) and chainrings it can stay like that even longer. Keeping it clean and with the appropriate amounts of lube can really make a big difference on performance. I have to admit I like to set it and forget it aka being a little bit lazy.

Explore more. I love the fact that the ZiZZO Urbano and new 2023 Forte have proven as worthy bikes for exploring off roads. With so many trails opening up and the ease of finding info on them online I can’t wait to add some bags to the new pignose of the 20223 Forte and find another camping adventure this summer.

Combining ZiZZO riding and public transportation. As much as I want to see Europe there are so many places I have not seen yet in our own country let alone my own state of California. I would love to hop on an Amtrak train and stop off at various cities and just pedal around. Maybe just have enough clothes to get by, a credit card, and some bags attached to the ZiZZO Forte 2023. Since it folds down so small it makes it easy to jump on busses, ubers, cabs, and trains to get around. To me the bicycle is the ultimate way to explore.

More riding equals more calories burned. I must admit I don’t always eat the best and enjoy a little junk food once in a while. I will do my best to cut out the bad stuff but it is good to know that riding a ZiZZO is going to burn off about 650 calories an hour. So maybe it is ok to have that donut once in a while or a few slices of pizza if I put in some extra miles out on the road or trails.

Using the ZiZZO more for local trips. With inflation and high gas prices I think I am ready to make more local trips using my ZiZZO than I did in 2022. I could see myself maybe heading out to the grocery store and do some quick shopping, drop off clothes to the cleaner, and do some business at the local postal office. Instead of driving over to visit good old mom I could swing by and get her favorite donuts on the way and deliver them to her. I am sure that would put a smile on her face.


I am sure you have an amazing list of resolutions as well. Feel free to comment below to share with us your cycling goals. We wish you all the best in 2023 and hope to see your adventures posted on our Instagram and Facebook. Enjoy the Ride!


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