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National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

by Beau Grant on September 28, 2022

Zizzo Celebrates National Womens Fitness Day

On the last Wednesday in September, National Women’s Health & Fitness Day promotes one of the biggest events for women’s health at any age. It is no big secret that cycling is an amazing way to stay in shape both physically and mentally. Whether you can make it down the block and back or ride 100 miles there is a place for everyone and it’s never too late to start. In a future blog we will touch on that subject. Riding our ZiZZOs is just an all-around amazing way to stay in shape for all but let’s dig a little deeper with some research.

Womens Fitness Day on a ZiZZO

Riding our ZiZZOs is great for mental health. Release the endorphins! Unfold your Liberte and put on your favorite riding attire then just go! It could have been a horrible day at the office or maybe you were feeling a little down but once you get on your ZiZZO it is amazing how fast the mindset can change.

Womens Fitness and Health Day

Exercise can lower your chances of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute statistics show in a 2016 test that the most physically active women had a 12–21% lower risk of breast cancer than those who were least physically active. Click Here for more information.      

Cycling can help keep us in control of our weight. Many of us struggle with the calories in and calories out equation. Rather than stress on it so much it just takes a couple of modifications to the diet and include some consistent rides on your ZiZZO. I promise little victories will lead to big ones. It won’t happen overnight but stick with whatever you try and let your ZiZZO help you get to your goals. And guess what, you can always start again if you fall off the path. There is NO limit to “trying again.”  

Get Fit and Healthy While Cycling on Your ZiZZO

We are very fortunate to be able to reach out to DaraSportsPT to get her opinion as an avid athlete, cyclist, and physical therapist. She had to say this: 

Cycling is great for both men and women to improve both cardiovascular fitness (aka heart health) as well as general lower body leg strength and general conditioning for those adults for whom running or other sports is not an accessible option. For women especially as we age into peri and post menopause, I often coach clients on adding some “intensity” work in to help offset metabolic shifts as hormones change- this means anything where your heart rate is elevated and you are pushing yourself to the almost “out of breath” zone.  

One of the easiest ways I suggest adding this in is by adding short intervals of intensity on the bike. Whether you pedal at the gym or indoors or ride outside you can get in a great workout, elevate your heart rate to boost your metabolism, as well as improve your cardiovascular health. For females of all levels, I love to have my clients and patients add in some easy cycling because it is also a lower stress cardiovascular activity on their joints and tendons and can be a nice supplement to other workouts like running hiking or weights.  

Whether I am working with patients in physical therapy or personal training, I suggest most adults both men and women aim for 2-3x week of some form of strength training and mobility work(stretching) as well as several days a week of cardiovascular work. Your body needs diversity of movement to stay healthy and keep joints, tendons and ligaments happy! Mix it up, try something new, enjoy your activities and keep moving!”  

You can find Dara at hope you find this blog informative and inspiring in some way to get out there and ride your ZiZZO more often because health and happiness go hand in hand.  


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