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Best Bike for Your Apartment Living

by Beau Grant on February 03, 2022

ZiZZO folding bike apartment living
Owning a traditional size bike can cause a problem when space is tight. Some choose to leave their bikes on a balcony out in the elements, covered by a tarp... only to deal with rust issues when it's time to ride. There are also the people that hang them on a wall and try to pass it off as “decor.” But no matter how you attempt to store your bike, it always seems to be in the way causing some form of angst.  

We have a solution: ZiZZO to the rescue! We all know that a ZiZZO is going to pop in your trunk or allow you to fold up 2 or 3 into the backseat of a car. Travel is always the most discussed benefit of a ZiZZO. But when you are done with your outdoor adventures, you have to be able to store it. Folding down to 27” x 31” x 13”- your ZiZZO will easily fit under the stairs, in your closet, under a workbench, or in some small nook! You can easily find a spot that allows your bike to kept safe and out of the way of indoor traffic.  

Now that you have stored your foldable ZiZZO so easily, let's talk about the process of taking it out for a ride (compared to your OLD TRADITIONAL BIKE).   

OLD TRADITIONAL BIKE: It’s a beautiful day and you just took out your favorite exercise gear and workout outfit. As you grab that big bike you notice it has been leaving scuff marks as it leans against the wall. As you wheel it out of your bedroom the chain has brushed against the corner of your bedspread leaving oil marks and you have to navigate it carefully going down the stairs as you barely squeeze through.  

You decide to head out of town and explore some roads you haven’t been on. Well, you had better have a bike rack available. Depending on your car's size you may have to pop both wheels off and put them in the trunk then slide the frame into the backseat. Now there is grease on the seats and a tear in the upholstery. What a mess!
Now you're finished with a great ride and quite tired. You are not looking forward to lugging that big bike back to where you store it. Maybe it doesn’t sound like a big deal, but now you are back to struggling while navigating through an obstacle course of furniture, tables, lamps, and all the while leaving a dirty trail on the floor. 

ZiZZO Folding Bike Fits in Closet 

YOUR NEW ZiZZO: It’s a beautiful day and you just took out your favorite exercise gear and workout outfit. With the ZiZZO, it's as simple as grab and go! Weighing as little as 23 lbs., it's easy to take hold of the seat and carry it away as if it was a piece of luggage! No messy markings left behind with this mode of transportation either.  

You decide to take a trip to a new trail you heard about an hour's drive away. The ZiZZO just fits so easily and compact into the trunk or backseat you have room to spare. Maybe down the line another ZiZZO would be great to have so you can easily have a friend come ride along. 

You finished a great ride sprinkled with compliments on your amazing folding bike! Sure, you’re just as tired after your ride, but now instead of finishing off the ride on a stressful sour note of lugging your lumbering bike upstairs, you just fold up and go. No hassles to be found. Keep them good vibes as the endorphins from that ride are still flowing.  

Any extra stress we can eliminate is always a win in my book! So many people are downsizing nowadays that storage solutions are a big deal. We haven't even touched on how easy storing a ZiZZO is on a boat or an RV! We will save that for another time but you get the picture.  

Hang in there, good riding weather is around the corner! Happy Pedaling! 

ZiZZO Bike Ready To Ride



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