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Why Is ZiZZO in Short Supply?

Why Is ZiZZO in Short Supply?

Briefly, Covid-19 interrupted our supply chain and unexpectedly created a higher demand   Nearly 100% of every bicycle sold in the US is completely made in China or has components coming from China. Covid-19 disrupted these factories for about three months (Feb-April), which now means, for the rest of the...
by Luis Cruz on July 09, 2020
What Happened to Euromini (Euro Mini)???

What Happened to Euromini (Euro Mini)???

EuroMini was a great name we started with, but we ran into trademark challenges. A business has to be flexible in order to keep growing to serve its customers. Rather than spending time and resources to push forward with the name, we decided to focus on serving our customers instead....
by Luis Cruz on July 02, 2020
Ask and you shall receive!

Ask and you shall receive!

ZiZZO is proud to announce that come February 2020, our customers can now purchase their very own bike trainer for those not so nice days.
by Luis Cruz on January 31, 2020
Seat Post End Cap


我们每天都在努力改进我们的自行车。 这是一个新的便利功能! EuroMini 的所有 ZiZZO 折叠自行车都配有座杆端盖。该端盖可防止座杆在折叠时刮擦地板。
by Benjamin Chen on July 22, 2019
A Cycling Revolution


我们正在开始一场自行车“革命”! 面对现实吧;骑自行车已成为专家和精英人士的运动。你最近去过自行车店吗?有成排的特种自行车:公路自行车、山地自行车、越野自行车、全避震自行车、刚性自行车、自由骑行、混合动力…… 该列表可以持续数页。 ZiZZO 让时光倒流。我们不是为少数人制造自行车,而是利用我们对自行车、齿轮、制动器和其他部件的知识,将自行车组装在一起,为大众制造。我们的自行车专为只想骑行的骑手而设计。无论您是想在公园、露营地周围骑行,还是去商店或工作,ZiZZO 都能满足您的需求。
by Tony Reyes on July 22, 2019
The Fun Machine: No Hazzos - by CHRONICLE on April 19, 2018

The Fun Machine: No Hazzos - by CHRONICLE on April 19, 2018

Article about how ZiZZO folding bicycles can be a fun machine!     https://blog.sfgate.com/storystudio/2018/04/19/the-fun-machine-no-hazzos/
by John Strohmeier on July 22, 2019