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Use code ZIZZO15 for 15% off your entire order or EFORTE25 for 25% off the e-Forte Bike!
Solos AirGo App’s compatibility:
• Apple iOS 11 and higher, or
• Android OS 8.0 and higher.
• Activate zizzo mode during app initial setup after install Solos AirGo app
• Enter store name containing word “zizzo” to activate Zizzo mode
If user forgot to activate Zizzo
mode during app initial setup,
user can still activate the Zizzo
mode through the Solos’s
Settings > Switch Mode
Enter store name containing
word “ zizzo ” in Switch Mode
screen to activate Zizzo mode
Solos Smartglasses is not connected
Solos Smartglases is connecting
Solos Smartglasses is connected , and it
will be disappeared after few seconds
Current / average
Elapsed time /
moving time
Map with route
Time and
distance voice
Upload activity to
Distance and elapsed time
Map with route
Current / average speed
Some features and data NOT available
NO current / average speed
NO moving time
NO Time and distance voice reminder
CANNOT upload activity to Strava
Check all
Share activity
together with
photo / map
to IG, FB, etc.
Solos Smartglasses settings and
firmware update
User Login / Logout
Product Warranty Registration
Strava connect / disconnect
Music player selection (Apple
Music / Spotify)
User manual and Quickstart
• Open Zizzo e shop for Solos Smartglasses
Support Spotify and Apple Music
(iOS only)
If no music player is selected, ask
user to choose one.
After music player is selected,
able to play / pause current music
Long press to open selected
music player
Connect Strava account and open
Strava app
If Strava account is not
connected, provide on screen
instruction to guide user to
If Strava account is connected,
open Strava app
• Open phone app (Android Only)
Add more apps to Zizzo home
Tap “menu” button to enable
edit mode to add / remove
In edit mode, tap on icon to
add / remove corresponding
apps to / from Zizzo home
Icon with lock cannot be
Tap Solos AirGo app icon on
Zizzo home screen to switch
to Solos mode
Tap on Solos Settings ->
Switch to Zizzo Mode to
switch back to Zizzo mode