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Celebrate National Bike Month in May!

by Beau Grant on April 28, 2023


   No matter what kind of bike you ride we can all agree life is better riding bikes. Whether you identify as a roadie, a mountain biker, gravel rider, commuter, bike packer, or casual ZiZZO enthusiast it really does not matter as long as you ride. May has been designated as “Bike Month” with some fun notable dates to put on your calendar. The League of American Bicyclists sponsors National Bike Month which had its first observance in 1956. From their website “The League is improving lives and strengthening communities through bicycling. We are more than 200,000 members and supporters strong with more than 1,000 state and local advocacy groups and bike clubs as well as thousands of businesses, universities, and communities together leading the movement to create a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone.”

    Riding a bike is pure joy and now that warmer months are here for almost everyone most let's use Bike Month in May to kick off the cycling season! Sunday May 7th is “Ride a Bike "day. That sounds straight forward. Grab a friend, a family member, your significant other or even your pet and go for a spin on your ZiZZO. May 15-21st is “Bike to Work Week” with May 19th “Bike to Work” day. Are you up for the challenge? Maybe it is a close ride or maybe it requires some planning. Since a ZiZZO is public transportation friendly with the ability to fold up so easy you could ride to a bus/train stop and with a few connections/transfers get to where you want hassle free. Who knows, it may be something you enjoy so much it becomes your new thing! Since riding a ZIZZO is so much fun, starting and finishing off the day riding may just put you in a better mood to get you through that 9-5 grind. Maybe have a chat with co-workers about getting together to ride to work or even organize work “team building” events that involve riding. You may find yourself talking and enjoying them a little more than normal as riding together seems to open conversations and miles of smiles. Next thing you know, work seems a little more enjoyable because of that shared experience.

    Get out on the trails and explore while having a new adventure. Getting away from cars is my favorite thing. The sound of the wheels crunching softly against packed dirt or gravel is a lot better than honking cars and the smell of exhaust fumes. You don’t have to go for a long drive to find these trails as more and more communities are opening old railroad trails and lost paths covered by vegetation. Get involved if you like as there are many bicycle groups looking for volunteers to help make these places bike ready. Sometimes a quick google search or even a chat down at your local bike shop can guide you in the right direction to get involved. When new trails open it is very exciting to ride there. Across the United States communities are revitalizing local economies from cyclists connecting trails to places that many never think to visit.

   There are so many cycling opportunities across the whole year but why not use this May to get inspired to do something different or new. We hope you will check out opportunities near you to enhance your love for riding your ZiZZO, or whatever bike you choose. Enjoy the ride! For more details about the “The League of American Bicyclists” check out


by Ana guerrero on May 09, 2023

Muy buena,excelente trabajo.

by Ana guerrero on May 09, 2023



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