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Thankful For A ZIZZO Bike Life

por Beau Grant en November 16, 2022

For some Thanksgiving is a day to hang out with family watching sports or T.V and get stuffed full of festive favorites. I don’t know about you but in my family all the moms are the ones working their magic on the turkey, gravy, stuffing, sides, and desserts. We ask if they need help but after years, we know the drill. Just let them do their thing and stay out of the kitchen. When the feast is over, they always say the same thing. “All day to prepare and within 20 minutes it’s over.” I’m so thankful for them and the time and love they put into an amazing meal. Thanksgiving does make me reflect on things that we may take for granted. Sometimes we only realize how important something is when it is gone. Of course, being thankful for friends, family, home, job, food, and clothing are always top of the list.  

Can we add one more to that essential list? Our ZiZZOs and/or bicycles! Maybe it sounds silly but I am so thankful for the places and experiences my ZiZZO has given me. Whether I have had an injury that held me back from riding or the weather is too bad for a spin it really hits home when I can’t ride. The joy I get from exploring, seeing interesting things, pedaling to my physical limits, or connecting with friends or fellow cyclists on the road is very tangible. Popping my ZIZZO Urbano into the trunk or backseat and heading off to a new trail I heard about through a fellow rider is always exciting. There is a whole ritual of going through the maps online and then packing up food, water, supplies and cameras to document the fun. The ability to grab a few ZIZZOs and make plans with friends to ride on their home turf is always a blast. Local knowledge is the best as they may know off the beaten path food places and routes to ride that I would have no clue about.  

      Not all rides are going to be adventurous but can be just as fun. Summer time always calls for an ice cream ride and Fall brings hoody/sweater weather with a spin to do a little “leaf peepin” at fall colors. December holidays might mean looking for a dry day to bundle up and ride to get some hot cocoa or a peppermint latte at the local coffee house. There is a simple pleasure of seeing your breath in the cold air as you pull up on your ZiZZO and smell that aroma of fresh coffee and pastries. You almost can’t fold it up fast enough to get inside and get your hands on a warm beverage. I really could go and on about what a big part of my life riding is. The beauty of the bike is it doesn’t matter how fast or far you can go because we all can get that same wonderful feeling. That excitement of the weekend coming and making a big plan to ride is always great but having no plans and simply looking at the bike when you get home from work and hop on just to go around the neighborhood can be just as rewarding.  

We have choices and freedom to do what we want. The possibilities are there for all of us. One of my friends once proclaimed to me “My bike is my church and my therapy”. I can see that. Thankful every day for the physical and mental health the bicycle brings me and the friends and experiences that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Happy pedaling and Happy Thanksgiving 


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