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ZiZZO Does National Get To Know Your Customers Day

by Beau Grant on January 20, 2022

ZiZZO in Pittsburgh celebrating #GetToKnowYourCustomersDayPhoto by Walt.

At the heart of every company are their customers. Without them there is no dream to any idea one can come up with. We live in a digital world of reviews submitted by anyone online that can make or break a business. According to one study, “It takes over 40 positive reviews to undo the damage that one bad one can do.”  

Going above and beyond for one's customers should be the norm, but as we all have seen over the years, some brands always fall short. As a small business grows, many times that “amazing customer experience” magically fades away as the now bigger business forgets where they came from and who got them to where they now are.  

At ZiZZO we KNOW that our customers are everything! Within our social media sites of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube we see, hear, and engage with so many of our ZiZZO family. From the riders on a family stroll with their ZiZZO Campo, to the ultra-endurance rider out on a 100-mile journey with the ZiZZO Liberte, and all types in between.  

We see the miles and the smiles as our customers post amazing pictures and videos having fun with their ZiZZO. This makes us so happy to see their personal journeys. No matter how big or small they may be to them, they’re HUGE to us!  

Everyone's relationship with their ZiZZO bike is unique and as valid as anyone else's. You all have a story and we want to hear it. Social media is supposed to be social right? So, we asked if anyone wanted to have a chat over a Zoom call and talk about riding, and our first responder was: 
WALT, ZiZZO Urbano Owner 
To listen to the full conversation, click here: National Get to Know Your Customers Day EP. 1 

ZiZZO Folding Bike in PittsburghPictured above: Walt's commute with his ZiZZO Urbano and studded tires. 

Walt lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and commutes to and from work like so many others in the folding bike world. While some cyclists may pack away their ZiZZO for the winter, Walt just adapts.  

Since ZiZZOs are built with industry standard parts he has changed out the city tires to “studded snow tires.” That’s right. Walt is still pedaling away in the snow! Since ZiZZO’s headquarters is located in Northern California, it was for me to imagine at first; but after seeing Walt’s pictures he posted and listening to the Zoom chat, we were able to see and hear how the snow tires look and perform.  

Walt likes to do long distance rides including an amazing, “double metric century” (124 miles) on his road bike at various locations. Many of the events he does are far away so, before he owned his ZiZZO, when he took his old bike, he would have to take it apart, ship it in a box, then reassemble it once he arrived. When the event ended, he would have to do it all over again to go home.  

He thought about how much more he’d enjoy traveling if he could only ship his bike without the hassle. Maybe a folding bike would work better? 

Walt found a ZiZZO at a local marketplace and he was off and riding! Walt says, “The very affordable entry point of the ZiZZO made it easy for me to try it out and see if I like it or not. If I like it that’s awesome because it's another alternate commuting bike for winter.”  

After sharing about how he once assembled a road bike from random parts, Walt said, “That’s a cool thing about a ZiZZO, is that it is all standard bicycle stuff. There's not a lot of real specialty parts. Everything is mostly interchangeable, swappable, customizable and maintainable.”  

ZiZZO folding bike goes for a ridePictured above: Walt picked up his ZiZZO using his road bike from a previous owner.

Walt's commute to work might not be far, but since he rides in rain and snow, we asked him how he kept his bike running smooth. He keeps the bike indoors and of course pays attention to keeping the chain lubed. He added, “I give it a nice bath or wipe down since folding bikes fit so well in the bathtub. Or just spray it down in the shower.”  

Walt has had many adventures in a short time on his ZiZZO, including Colorado riding in the mountains! His car couldn't get to a hiking trailhead he wanted to explore so he just spun up the dirt climb with his ZiZZO to get where he wanted. He has also sent it on a bus and a plane only to pick it up and go cruising around Nashville.  

Walt’s experience really shows how flexible the ZiZZO is when it comes to traveling and how one can explore the world on a bike with minimal hassle.  

We look forward to seeing where Walt’s travels take him as the warmer months approach and when he can get out even more on his ZiZZO!  

ZiZZO Urbano in Pittsburgh Pictured above: Walt's trip to Colorado 

LYNNE, ZiZZO Via Owner from the Bronx, NY 
To listen to the full conversation, click here: National Get to Know Your Customers Day EP. 2 

Lynne has great memories of riding bikes as a kid. She recalled days of using training wheels as a child, to riding a family member's bike that was a little too big. She was determined to ride, no matter if it fit her or not. 

She fondly remembers her “banana seat" bike attempting to do tricks. Lynne always had a bike with her during her high school and throughout here college days. She recollects, “Whenever I wanted to escape, I would just get on my bike and just get focused and clear.” 

During the pandemic she started to look into getting a “foldie” as she calls them. Lynne said, “I wanted it to be compact. I wanted to be able to carry it around with me, and I didn’t want to have to lock it.” 

ZiZZO Get To Know Your Customers DayPictured above: Lynne's folded Via

So, she did all the research on YouTube and other forums to finally make the decision to get a ZiZZO Via! Why did she choose a ZiZZO? She said she liked the way the bike folded, the weight, the price, and the fact that it could be used on the ZiZZO trainer.

Lynne looks forward to warmer weather and expressed interest into attaching some “panniers” and packing up her ZIZZO Via with some food for a long day on the trails.

Sounds good to us! We look forward to seeing her future adventures! 

Thank you Walt and Lynne for letting us get to know you a little better!  

Thank you to all of you who are the heart of the ZiZZO family! Keep sharing on our Instagram and Facebook please and happy pedaling. 


Happy #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay !!



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