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Use code ZIZZO15 for 15% off your entire order or EFORTE25 for 25% off the e-Forte Bike!

FRAUD ALERT: Too good to be true! 😒 👀 😆😡

by Tony Reyes on March 10, 2020

With your help and support, ZiZZO Bikes has grown from a dream to a reality! As ZiZZO Bikes continues to grow and becomes recognized as an industry leader in folding bikes, there will be attempts to fraudulently take advantage of our name and recognition.

When you are shopping for a ZiZZO Bike, you may come across a listing that sounds just too good to be true. And as the saying probably IS too good to be true!

It's been brought to our attention that there are some "sites" offering ZiZZO Bikes at a STEEP discount. These "third-party sellers" are NOT affiliated with ZiZZO Bikes and more likely than not, are using these outrageous prices and offers to get you to give them your valuable financial information so they can commit further fraudulent activities.

👍Please note that ZiZZO Bikes are ONLY sold through reputable vendors like:



Bed Bath & Beyond

Camping World


Creekside Cyclery



Here are some Best Practices when shopping for ZiZZO Bikes:

  • Always shop/buy from outlets you know and trust.
  • ZiZZO Bikes are only sold and shipped within the Contiguous USA. UNLESS you purchase from one of the above retailers; They may ship outside this zone (like Amazon).
  • We are a USA based Company. If the bike is shipping from and/or company is outside the USA, it's probably not legitimate.
  • How's the site look and sound? Lots of mistakes? Punctuation errors?
  • Is the site secure? Make sure the information you are typing and sending is secure by checking if there is a little lock in your address bar and/or the address begins with "https://...". The "s" means your activity is secure.

ZiZZO Bikes prides ourselves on offering the best value folding bikes around. Compare our bikes to similarly equipped bikes from other brands and you will see that we are 30%-50% less in cost. So it should come as no surprise that ZiZZO Bikes are a great value. HOWEVER, as much as we would like, you will never find a NEW ZiZZO Bike for $88.00, especially our top of the line Liberte (see below)!

Remember to shop smart and with confidence. If you EVER have any questions about our bikes or where they are listed, please reach out to us at 1-866-788-2202 or


 Some examples of fraudulent sites:


1 comment
by Daniel Soto on September 18, 2020

Wish I had seen this article sooner, I got scammed by a fraudulent merchant : As a manner of fact I see many fraudulent merchants pop up at the top of google search shopping when I typing euromimi … See at least 3 fraudulent merchants: lelafall, alifefeel all with a price around $94. These merchants use https and they state they are based in USA. All fraudulent information once tracking their details, phone numbers are fake, addresses are fake.


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