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Top 5 Reasons Santa Would Love ZiZZO Folding Bicycles

por Beau Grant en December 21, 2022

 No matter how one celebrates the holidays we can’t help but to have a little fun with old St. Nick once a year. All in good fun we could only imagine what he would think of making, riding and giving out ZiZZO folding bikes as gifts. So, after a double shot of espresso in my peppermint mocha and maybe a few sugar cookies I give you my “Top 5 Reasons Santa Would Love ZiZZO” 

 1. Of all the bikes anyone asks for it’s the only one he can actually fit into his big bag. With all those other traditional size bikes he has to work his magic. No hassle with the ZiZZO Liberte since it folds down to 27 x 31 x 14. More room in the bag means more room for gifts. Santa is all about saving space where he can. Can you imagine his self storage fees? 

 2. Gifting a ZiZZO means less vehicles on the road and that means better air quality. Can you imagine flying through the smog of the world inhaling all the pollution? Santa wearing a gas mask is not a very good visual. He would be totally on board with bikes replacing cars as much as possible. Not to mention he knows everyone would get healthier and happier from all the exercise. It’s hard not to be jolly while riding your ZiZZO right? Nothing but smiles for miles and that is what the world needs the most. 

 3.  A fleet of ZiZZOs could give the reindeer a year off. Even if it is only once a year 75 million miles requires some serious recovery time. Santa could just grab a bunch of ZiZZO Fortes and hook them up together as a heavy-duty big load hauling team. Each Forte can handle 300 lbs alone so a fleet could do the job no problem. Who knows maybe Santa just keeps the Fortes and retires Rudolph and the gang. There are a lot of miles on them hooves it may be time to send them out to pasture. 

 4.  One size fit most. Since a ZiZZO fits sizes 4’8” to 6’3” Santa could send one single bike and it may get used by the whole family. From tall “tweens “to tall adults of all ages and abilities a ZiZZO would not collect dust in the garage. One more bonus for the big man would be the amount of inventory space he would save. Traditional big bikes that have 6 sizes in one model can be confusing and sometimes the wrong size gets on the wish list. I hear elves don’t like returns.


 5. Santa would get to take them for a quick” test drive” before he leaves to the next house. All in the name of quality control he pulls out the ZiZZO trainer, attaches any ZIZZO and jumps on for a quick spin to run through the gears. I would imagine it helps burn off that bite of cookie and sip of milk as well. Can you imagine how many calories he takes in over the trip? 

Well, there you go. I hope it gave you a laugh or two. On a serious note, I think any bike received at the holidays especially as a kid is one of the most memorable and life changing gifts you can get. Almost everyone I have ever talked to about their first bike or one received for a special occasion just beams with joy after sharing their experience. We hope you have a very Happy Holiday! 



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