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Get Your ZiZZO Ready For Spring Riding

por Beau Grant en April 14, 2023

Things are heating up! Over the last few weeks, the emails and calls have been coming in to ZiZZO headquarters fast and furious. With the change in the weather riders are starting to pull out their beloved ZIZZO’s from their garages, storage facilities, basements, closets, and even the hull of their boats to get ready to ride again. Sometimes after a big lay off where we “set and forget” something when we take it out, we realize that things may be a little out of adjustment. Just like a guitar that needs new strings after a long time to stay in tune, our two-wheel friends need a little TLC as well before we get rolling. Let's get that ZiZZO ready to be safe and in top shape for spring adventures.

Tires- Check out the tread and make sure that the tires have plenty of tread with no big gashes on them. If you have “bald spots “or can see some cord it may be time for a replacement. You may notice the tire got a little flat. That is normal over time. Just look on the side of the tire for the proper “P.S.I” rating and pump them up with either a floor pump or an electric pump/ air compressor. Be careful not to overinflate and blow up the tube.

Chain/Drivetrain- Having issues with that chain popping around on the cog not shifting smoothly? Did you make all the fine-tuning derailleur adjustments, but it didn’t help much? It may just be that chain. Depending on how far gone your chain is and how long you rode with it like that you may need to replace the cog/cassette as well. How do the teeth look on your cog and front chainring? All these things are simple replacements that your local bike shop can help you with or you can do some YouTube research on how to do them yourself to save some money. The feeling of a new chain and cog all dialed in is like having a new bike in my opinion. You will be left wondering “How did I ever ride like that for so long?”

Brakes/Brake pads- Give those brakes a few squeezes to check the tension on the levers and make sure that the pads come back after being released. Are the levers too “spongy”? Might be time for some minor adjustments like the ones we have on our “Tony’s Tech Tuesday” Video series on YouTube. Are the brake pads worn down? Check to see if you can see the brake pads “wear line” and how close it is to the rim. This is a very simple and cheap but important replacement for anyone to stay safe when needing to slow down or stop.

Bolts/Latches/Quick Releases- Since a folding bike has a lot of specialty parts you may want to check out the stem locks, frame lock, and any part that is adjustable. Do a quick inspection for rust or any part that needs to be re-adjusted or maybe even replaced. If that chain is o.k then maybe grab a rag and get it a little cleaner and apply some of your favorite lube.

Derailleur- If you have determined the cog and chain are in good working order do some fine tuning on that derailleur for a nice smooth shifting experience. We have a few videos about this on our YouTube channel if interested. These may be basic things but getting them dialed in before you get rolling can sure make your ZiZZO adventures even sweeter.

Enjoy the Ride!


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