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por Beau Grant en April 14, 2022

ZiZZO Celebrates Bike Month
National Bike Month is only two weeks away! We think every month is bike month, but over the years the month of May has given us some great events to showcase our love of bicycles. Most likely everyone is starting to get out a bit more now with the weather becoming more favorable, and our ZiZZOs are calling us. Do you hear them? Maybe the sound is a little muffled, hiding in the garage or in a shed, but they are ready to have some fun adventures! We will be announcing some amazing contests and events for “Bike Month” that we can’t wait to share! Stay Tuned for An AMAZING Announcement April 28th. -->Scroll to the bottom of the page to enter your email address and sign up for ZiZZO News & Updates.  

May 1st - National Ride A Bike Day kicks off a month-long series of events happening all over the world- culminating in World Bike Day on June third. This date was recognized by the United Nations on April 12, 2018. The League of American Bicyclists established National Bike Month in 1956 as, “... a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to give biking a try.” Their goals are universal and we fully support their ideals. 

Per the League of American Bicyclists, “Bicycling brings people together. When more people ride bikes, life is better for everyone. Communities are safer, stronger, and better connected. Our nation is healthier, economically stronger, environmentally cleaner and more energy independent. Our vision is a nation where everyone recognizes and enjoys the many benefits and opportunities of bicycling.” 

ZiZZO Folding Bike Month

May 7th - National Fitness Day recognizes how riding can keep you fit. Great low impact cardio workouts that not only keeps our body in shape, but also our mind and mental health. Everyone I speak to, no matter how experienced or inexperienced, always talks about how cycling has helped them to relax, unwind, and decompress from the daily grind. Pedal that stress away! 

May 16th – May 22nd - National Bike Week with “Bike to Work Day” on Friday, May 20th. Talk it over with some co-workers or friends and maybe plan out that day to skip the gas guzzler and spin with a grin to work instead! Warning... may be habit-forming as you realize biking to work may be your thing. We sure hope it is!  

Some clubs/organizations offer special perks for “Bike to Work Day.” Sometimes places will offer free refreshments like bagels and coffee for those who are pedaling to their jobs, and even offer some free maintenance during pit stops! Check in with your employer too, as they may give rewards and/or incentives to their employees for biking to work as well.  

Your ZiZZO sure would fit nicely under a desk, or stand tall off in the corner of your office. If you get too tired to ride home, you can fold your ZiZZO up and call an uber, or hop on a train. One-way rides are fine too! 

ZiZZO Bike Sunset

May 25thSenior Health and Fitness Day goes hand in hand with cycling month. So many studies have been conducted over the years about the benefits of cycling at a later age in life. “Heart Disease is the leading cause of death but with cycling in the mix one can have better odds to live longer according to a recent study from Harvard Health," Harvard Health Publishing. 

May 27th - National Road Trip Day sounds like a good day to fold up that ZiZZO and head out to find an interesting place to ride during Bike Month. One of my favorite sites for finding adventures is in your own backyard and places that are a little off the beaten path is called ONLY IN YOUR STATE. Just enter your state in the “state field,” on the site, and various blogs and articles about all these great places to check out will pop up. It’s amazing how many hidden gems can be discovered so close to home that we never knew about. Exploring and having fun on your ZiZZO can be a hassle-free experience with a little help from someone that shares all the details.  

ZiZZO Bikes Towards The Sun

There are so many ways to celebrate “Bike Month” in May! We will be posting about some crazy contests and fun games to play with everyone within the coming weeks.  

Did we need another reason to ride? I don’t think so, but being excited and enthusiastic is always better. Let's get ready and make May a month to remember on our ZiZZO! 


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